Women of Drummer Southwest Regional 2022 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 11-13, 2022
I finally started my Woman of Drummer 2021 title tour with the WOD 2022 Southwest Regional in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was a fantastic weekend full of fun, play, and badass people.
I arrived in Albuquerque on the evening of Thursday, March 10th after a long day of airports and planes. As a bonus to the weekend, a friend of mine, who is also in the lifestyle, just happened to be in Albuquerque that week for an unrelated reason, so we were able to hang out that evening. It was a lovely time just to catch up with her. Eventually, she would drop me off at the Airbnb that I was sharing with the other out town attendees.
The next morning, Friday, the three of us went on an adventure to the store to stock up on the supplies that we would need for Saturday’s events. In the early afternoon, we took the tram to the top of the mountain where we had lunch. Lunch up there in the clouds was beautiful and we made some single-serving friends; a couple eating next to us and the wait staff. Overall, it was an amazing adventure and I am so glad I got to experience the area that way. This was my first time in New Mexico and I never knew it was so beautiful. When we got back to the apartment, a couple of us relaxed in the hot tub for a bit (yes, there was a hot tub inside the apartment) until it was time to get ready for the bar night and meet and greet at the Albuquerque Eagle at Sidewinders. There we were greeted with big bear hugs from the New Mexico Leather League. I got to share a nice moment while sitting for the bootblacks and people watched as it was Latin Night and we developed our own language of grunts to signal one another to the people passing by; it became our spectator sport. I had a great time sharing a drink, conversation, dancing, and leather with everyone. That night, after the bar, we all went back to the apartment and I got to play. We had a lovely impact and fisting scene. It was definitely a great way to kick off the Regional.
Saturday started with a lovely coffee service and then we went to do the Leather Women’s Roundtable. The roundtable was small, with only five people present, but the conversation was strong, powerful, and inspiring. I was intrigued by the differences between the various Communities represented and my own. The history and experiences that were had and shared showed me that I am not alone in my struggles and that what I am doing and trying to do in my own Community and my efforts with my title year are more than worth it and are appreciated. That night was the play party and though there were just seven of us and we hosted the party at the Airbnb, we still played and had some badass scenes. It was this lovely progression of play where top became bottom and ranged from caning to needles to impact. The energies shared were great and real and sexy. Blood and sweat. Ecstasy and euphoria. Pleasure and pain. Cathartic release. That night I went to bed with a full heart.
Sunday came too soon, but it was awesome to have brunch with a couple from New Mexico Leather League and one of the attendees of the play party. We again had wonderful food and conversation with wonderful people. I ended my time with the locals with a mini dance session on the sidewalk on our way to the car. It is moments like that tend to stay with me more than the big grandiose gestures; the spontaneous jovial comradery that solidifies the connections shared with others. I have definitely made some lifelong connections and friends and we have definitely found some of our people in New Mexico. I cannot wait until life takes me back to Albuquerque and thank everyone that helped make the weekend one that I will never forget.
In Love and Leather,
Sara – Woman of Drummer 2021

Karaoke before Saturday Night Play Party!